I had a real post ready. Or rather, I was going to write a real post. A serious one! And then I had this conversation with a co-worker (during personal time of course) and felt the need to share.
SS: I sometimes think twitter is a fad
SS: I do it--but only because i'm a lemur.
SS: or crap, lemming. I mean lemming
L: hahahah!!!!
L: a lemur! I love it
SS: my face is red
SS: thank goodness for online chatting
SS: you can't see!
L: hahah it's such a cute image in my head, of lemurs flocking to a cliff
SS: urg
SS: I was close
SS: they sound so similar
L: and to be honest i dont even totally know what a lemming is
L: not what i thought! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2273/2352349809_51b37bd708.jpg
SS: whhhat? no way!
L: I sort of always pictured something penguiny but not a bird
SS: I thought they looked more cat-like
SS: clearly no one has any idea what a lemming really is!
SS: they're rodents..ew
SS: I think we should change the phrase. lemurs are much cuter
L: lemurs probably have some senseless pack behavior we could comment on
SS: we should find out
SS: and then totally coin a new phrase
L: "The presence of female social dominance sets lemurs apart from most other primates and mammals; Female aggression is often associated with, but not limited to, feeding"
L: I think there's useful material in there
SS: Hmm.. feeding frenzy and female aggression. That does indeed seem like a good breeding ground for a new phrase
SS: And perhaps even semi-relevant to anti-violence work!
SS: Score!
L: there was something else about how scientists hypothesize that the lady lemurs get aggressive because they have more at stake than the men, what with the need to reproduce
SS: ugh. lets leave that one out of the pile
L: haha
SS: last thing we need to do is create another phrase that makes women sound like baby-crazed man eaters
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