And no, I'm not giving out the big news in the title. You'll just have to read the post.
I don't usually post super specific info about myself.
Ok, that's kind of a lie!
I post about my job(s), furniture, and life with Layla and B.
But I don't think there's a single picture of my face anywhere on the blog.
Guess that's (kind of) about to change!
I entered a contest a few months ago.
I saw a flashing banner on bravo's website (B and I are project runway junkies) that said TIM GUNN and something about psoriasis.
In case you don't' know, I think Tim Gunn is pretty great.
And by pretty great, I mean perhaps my favorite person on tv.
Oh, and I also have psoriasis.
Anyway, I went to the website and entered the contest.
Then I forgot about it for months!
Well, turns out I'm one of the winners.. (scroll down..I'm there, I promise).
I get to walk in a runway show wearing a custom designed outfit, and chit chat to media about living with psoriasis.
I thought that all that chit-chatting should probably include my own blog.
I won't give you all the details. Check out the website.
Oh, and check out the info about my designer.
We ichat.
And email.
And phone chat.
I've made her tweak the design several times. Even after I've supposedly made decisions.
She just smiles and sends new designs.
I'm a huge fan.
Anyway, there's my big news!
Slow Start
1 week ago
That's awesome!
Wow Sas, that's incredible!
I'm so excited for you!
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